Wednesday, November 23, 2011

feeling thankful

My mom always insisted that we go around the dinner table at Thanksgiving and share a thought or two of gratitude. As a kid, I felt embarrassed  and didn't know what to say except that I was thankful for my family and for the beautiful table full of food in front of us. It seemed too obvious, almost a cop out. Most years in my adult life have not put me in this public position of expressing thanks, but I do always find myself taking a minute or two to think about how I have been blessed in my life. This year has been one full of big changes and I cannot express enough how much the support around me (especially from my wife) has helped ease me into new things and given me courage to go out on a limb. Thank you dear readers for another year of sharing with me!
And now, a special recipe I will share with you. Cranberry Ginger Cocktails for all!
First you will need to make a cranberry puree. In a medium sauce pan, combine 1 bag of cranberries, 2 1/2 cups of water and 1 cup of sugar. If you want to make it extra tasty, grate in a heaping tablespoon of fresh ginger. Bring to a boil and allow to simmer for a few minutes as the cranberries pop. Turn off the heat, and cool for at least a few minutes, or until cool. Pour the cranberry mixture through a sieve and push through all the pulp with a spoon. Discard skins. (This makes amazing granita by the way.)

In a shaker, combine:
3 oz either gin or vodka (I prefer gin)
1/4 c fresh tangerine juice
1/4 cranberry puree
juice from 1 lime
Shake well. Pour into 2 martini glasses and top off with ginger beer-the spicier version the better

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